Thursday, September 14, 2017

"That ConnectEd link just won’t turn blue on Google Classroom! Grrrrr "

The title of today's post comes from a determined teacher who was trying to use the power of the "About"page in Google Classroom to make materials and links easily accessible to her students. She was doing everything perfectly except for one small step (see steps 3 and 4).

If you've never explored the "About" page, think of it as a central hub for students to easily find frequently used materials, links, and other classroom resources. Once you and your students start using it, you'll see how helpful it can be.

To post a link to the "About" page in Classroom, just follow these steps: 

1. Go to Google Classroom and select About 
 2. Click Add Class Materials 
3. Type in the title of the link - you can title it whatever you want. If you past the link here, it "won't turn blue". 
 4. Click the link icon 
 5. Be sure to click Post 
6. Now it's ready for students to access! 

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