Monday, August 28, 2017

No More CELDT?

Hello everyone, welcome back for another exciting year.  Big changes are happening this year in the world of English learners.  First, there will be no CELDT testing for students already identified as English learners.  The CELDT is in its final run and will only be given as an initial test to our new students.  To replace the CELDT, the CDE has created a new test called the English Language Proficiency Assessments in California (ELPAC).  Here are some of the differences between the two tests:
  • The ELPAC is based upon the 2012 CA ELD standards, rather than the 1999 ELD standards.
  • The ELPAC will be given in the spring for students already identified as English learners.  Starting in the fall of 2018, initial tests will be a truncated version of the ELPAC given for identification purposes only, these students will take the full ELPAC in the spring as well.  
  • The spring administration timeline allows for student growth to be measured after instruction has been given, rather than prior to instruction.
  • Students will be identified as Emerging, Expanding and Bridging and no longer as Beginning, Early Intermediate, Intermediate, Early Advanced and Advanced.      

I have already notified teachers if initial testing is required.  Initial testing is currently being done.  Preliminary scores will be sent to teachers by email, and official scores will not be available on Aeries until October.  

Thank you all for supporting our growing EL population.  Please let Amy Cima know if you have any questions or you would like further information.

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